Thursday, October 26, 2006

Update Central

I've been neglecting this sweet little piece of internet ass as of late, so I figured it was about time I showed my blog some affection. I had a post all written out the other day and then my computer decided to give me a piece of her mind and CRASH. We've since talked it over but I'm still pissed off.

I'm sorry I have to interject in my story right now to say that Nigella Lawson just made a salad dressing with pickle juice. I threw up in my mouth a little bit right there. But man oh man, if she gets those boobs from eating all the concoctions she makes, then count me in for pickle juice salad nastification. Sometimes I'm not sure if I believe she can cook. She's so sloppy with everything and it seems like all she does it eat anything in sight and let all the weight go to those knockers. God I love my new cable.

Alright, back to it.

Blah, blah, blah, my life is so stressful, I had lots of midterms...feel sorry for me? Please?

Thoughts on Nigella Lawson as a fraud, hottie, source of jealousy when you're eating mini wheats for dinner?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I admire anyone who can find constructive uses for pickle juice. I've always wondered what to do with all that leftover cloudy brine with the peppercorns in it.
Plus, someone who knows that AND has great boobs... wow, can life get any better?!

12:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you watch the way she uses a knife it's clear she's never worked in any sort of professional cooking capacity. But she has smoky eyes and the aforementioned other assets and she gets it on with the camera. And I guess people dig it.

To me it always seems like she's a masterbating.

6:02 PM  

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